Thoughts, musings, advice, and best practice tutorials on how to program in Python from the Sourcery team
How can you resolve production issues faster?
The data shows that small PRs increase velocity
How roleplaying a panel discussion can improve LLM results
On the surprising stubbornness of large language models
Setting up unit tests when your code isn’t deterministic anymore
What the Accelerate State of DevOps 2023 report tells us about code reviews, DORA metrics, and performance
What the data tells us about teams’ code review practices in the real world
Building an Approval/Rejection Mechanism to Help Teams Move Fast
Stopping complex code from sneaking into a project during code reviews
We need to rethink how code reviews work
Trying to make optimize review comments for "Usefulness"
How we tackle reviewing PRs for code complexity issues
What's the point of reviews? And are they actually helpful to the development process?
Changes in how you can use Sourcery for different types of projects
Code Reviews aren't just about the code
Delivering and maintaining AI-generated code.
Truthy and falsy values, None, and comparison in Python and Pandas.
And when is the `inplace` argument misleading?
Embracing tools and improving the feedback.
If it's expensive, only pay it once.
Codified standards can help your team be more productive
Measuring technical debt's ongoing impact
3 unclear function names and how to improve them.
How to ensure that some names just don't appear in your codebase?
Some guidelines for dependency rules that make a system easier to understand and maintain.
Disentangle the dependencies between your packages.
Helper functions make your code more expressive and less repetitive. Assuming that you really use them.
Will's journey with Rich and Textual. Including insights about API design and speeding up Python code.
Handling and raising errors in Python plus some novelties introduced in 3.11
Sebastian's work in the Python community: talks, articles, courses. And a favorite topic: developer tools and productivity.
Building blocks of a robust CLI App and how we've implemented them with Rich in the Sourcery CLI.
How to think about working in teams, consulting, setting common standards for your code, and finding a balance in the CI.
Review only the code in your current PR with Sourcery and incrementally improve the quality of your codebase.
How we've been adjusting the Google Python Style Guide for the Sourcery monorepo.
What leads to unmanageable pieces of codebases
How much does technical debt impact teams?
A step by step guide towards implementing the Google Style Guide with Sourcery
Measuring Python Code Quality, Simplicity, and Maintainability
Breaking down how a code style guide can help speed up engineering teams
Calculating the Maintainability Index and looking at how you can use it for your projects.
Six more examples of ways to refactor your Python code, and why they are improvements
The link between complexity, cognitive overloading, and velocity.
Measuring complexity of your code with two different metrics - Cyclomatic Complexity & Cognitive Complexity
Exploring the magic of instant Python refactoring with Sourcery
Technical debt can slow down your development, but focusing too aggressively on refactoring isn't always the right decision either.
Deploying a Python program as a Google Cloud Function
Refactoring noughts and crosses into the functional programming style
Getting started with refactoring your python code
Make Your Code More Readable With The Magic Of Refactoring Using Sourcery
Six more examples of ways to refactor your Python code, and why they are improvements
A lunchtime story to demonstrate threading, asyncio, multiprocessing & cloud functions
Six more examples of ways to refactor your Python code, and why they are improvements
Six more examples of ways to refactor your Python code, and why they are improvements
Instantly refactor your Python code
Don't miss out on these powerful new features - write better code faster today.
Instantly refactor your Python code
Measuring how hard code is to understand with our new working memory metric
Six more examples of ways to refactor your Python code, and why they are improvements
Six more examples of ways to refactor your Python code, and why they are improvements
Six more examples of ways to refactor your Python code, and why they are improvements
Refactoring your code, like magic with Sourcery
Six examples of ways to refactor your Python code, and why they are improvements
Ensuring Sourcery improves code without changing its functionality
Star our repo to refactor your most popular Python repo
Get an instant quality boost to your open source codebase
Get instant Python refactorings as a VS Code extension
A guide to comprehensions, generators and useful functions and classes
A simple GitHub action for formatting, linting, testing, and building a Python application
Best practices for tracking down and resolving software issues
A simple Dockerfile for setting up a perfect Python application using Pipenv
Easy ways to improve and simplify your code, with Python examples
Sourcery is in beta - try our AI-powered refactoring in Pycharm now!
Sourcery will now run locally on your machine, meaning that no code is sent to the cloud. We are also planning to launch into paid beta in October
Best practices for setting up a project to maintain the highest quality code
16 steps to transform and simplify the code
Refactor Python instantly using the power of AI