A perfect way to Dockerize your Pipenv Python application

A simple Dockerfile for setting up a perfect Python application using Pipenv


Jan 21, 2020

Container shipping
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

In a previous post I described how to set up a perfect Python project with dependency management, formatting, linting and testing tools all set up and ready to go.

After writing your Python application the next stage is deploying and running it. Docker provides a excellent abstraction that guarantees that the environment for running the application is identical on every deployment and run, even when running on different hardware or infrastructure.

I will assume you already have Docker installed, if not you can follow the instructions here.

Python Dockerfile

Let's jump in at the deep end. Here's the finished Dockerfile that will build an image for running our Python application. It's not long, but there's a fair bit to unpack and explain, so here goes.

FROM python:3.7-slim as base

# Setup env

FROM base AS python-deps

# Install pipenv and compilation dependencies
RUN pip install pipenv
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends gcc

# Install python dependencies in /.venv
COPY Pipfile .
COPY Pipfile.lock .
RUN PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv install --deploy

FROM base AS runtime

# Copy virtual env from python-deps stage
COPY --from=python-deps /.venv /.venv
ENV PATH="/.venv/bin:$PATH"

# Create and switch to a new user
RUN useradd --create-home appuser
WORKDIR /home/appuser
USER appuser

# Install application into container
COPY . .

# Run the application
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "-m", "http.server"]
CMD ["--directory", "directory", "8000"]

Let's describe each of the sections:

  1. First we specify the image that we are building our image on top of. This is an official image provided by the Docker organisation that has Python 3.7 installed and is slimmed down. We give this image the name base and it will be used in two other build stages:

    FROM python:3.7-slim AS base
  2. Next we set environment variables that set the locale correctly, stop Python from generating .pyc files, and enable Python tracebacks on segfaults:

    # Setup env
  3. Next we start a new build stage using the base image we've just created. We're going to install all our python dependencies in the python-deps image, and later copy them into our runtime image. This limits the objects in the runtime image to only those needed to run the application:

    FROM base AS python-deps
  4. Now we install pipenv which we are using for our application dependencies, and we install gcc which is needed to compile several Python libraries (this may not be needed depending on the libraries you use):

    # Install pipenv and compilation dependencies
    RUN pip install pipenv
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends gcc
  5. Next step is to install the dependencies in a new virtual environment. We set PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT so we know exactly where it will be located:

    # Install python dependencies in /.venv
    COPY Pipfile .
    COPY Pipfile.lock .
    RUN PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1 pipenv install --deploy
  6. Now we are ready to build our runtime image so we start a new build stage:

    FROM base AS runtime
  7. Copy in the virtual environment we made in the python-deps image, but without anything we used to make it:

    # Copy virtual env from python-deps stage
    COPY --from=python-deps /.venv /.venv
    ENV PATH="/.venv/bin:$PATH"
  8. Running as the root user is a security risk, so we create a new user and use their home directory as the working directory:

     # Create and switch to a new user
     RUN useradd --create-home appuser
     WORKDIR /home/appuser
     USER appuser
  9. Now copy in the application code from our source repository:

    # Install application into container
    COPY . .
  10. Finally we set the ENTRYPOINT which is the command that will be run when the image is run, and the CMD which is the default arguments that will be added to the command:

    # Run the application
    ENTRYPOINT ["python", "-m", "http.server"]
    CMD ["--directory", ".", "8000"]

Minimising the image size

By default Docker will copy in all the files in our project when it runs the COPY . . command, which will lead to a lot of unneeded files bloating the image and potentially introducing security holes.

We can make a .dockerignore file to exclude files and directories from the image. To avoid forgetting to update it every time we add a new file that should be excluded I prefer to ignore everything by default, and then add back in files that are actually needed:

# Ignore everything

# ... except for dependencies and source

Building and Running

Now that we have defined our Dockerfile and .dockerignore we can build and run our application using Docker.

  • Building the image:

    docker build . -t name:tag

    This will build the Dockerfile in the current directory and name and tag the image

  • Running the image

    docker run --rm name:tag arg1 arg2

    • This will run the image with a specific name and tag
    • --rm will delete the container once it has completed running
    • arg1 and arg2 will override the arguments that we provided in CMD ["directory", ".", "8000"] and are optional.

Next Time - Continuous Integration

Now that we have written our application and defined our Docker image, we want to be able to run our tests and build our image in continuous integration. Next time we will show how GitHub Actions makes this incredibly simple.