Sourcery's Pricing Plan Shift

Changes in how you can use Sourcery for different types of projects


Nov 09, 2023


Over the last several months we've had a series of discussions about how to balance making Sourcery broadly available to help as many developers as possible and making Sourcery a sustainable business so we can continue our mission well into the future.

This led us to shifting our pricing structure so that Sourcery remains free for Students and Open Source projects and requires a paid license for Closed Source projects. As part of this shift we've dropped the monthly price for our paid individual license from $15/month -> $10/month.

We hope that shifting to primarily a paid product will let us take Sourcery to the next level. Here's what's coming:

  • A more powerful and faster core engine
  • Support for additional languages. JavaScript and TypeScript have already been released and we're working to expand what Sourcery can do there.
  • Transforming Sourcery into a more powerful pair programmer - we've already released Sourcery Chat, Recipes, and there's lots more to come here.
  • Automatic code review from Sourcery. We've started rolling this out as a closed alpha. Let me know if you'd like to get early access.

We're a team of developers, and are building Sourcery for developers. We want it to be an incredible tool that helps people to learn about and improve their code quality and makes your day to day work easier.

We know this is a big shift in Sourcery which affects you, and as always we'd love to hear your feedback.